Yesterday from 8 p. m. to 9 p. m. national coach GM Dorian Rogozenco gave a lecture about the only German chess world champion Emanuel Lasker, who holds the record for the longest time as the world champion so far (and perhaps forever?).
Above all the German U18 teams were numerously present and listened to the explanations of the national coach. "The classics are really important, but it plays too little of a role in many training plans." Again and again you can discover new things, even if you watch the former world champion repeatedly. Rogozenco presented various Lasker game examples, on which he explained his opinion of the world champion and his playing style. "For me, Lasker has been a great tactician, to whom many new ideas can be attributed," Rogozenco was full of praise for Lasker. He is a big fan of chess history and the former world champions; this enthusiasm, combined with instructive analyses made the seminar a complete success.
Today at the same time Dr. Michael Negele will focus on the chess historical aspects of the German world champion.