Dienstag, 1. April 2025
  • Auspices - EYTCC

  • Ministerpräsident des Freistaats Thüringen Bodo Ramelow

EYTCC2018 » First Lecture about Lasker

First Lecture about Lasker
13.07.2018 - 21:55 von KS

Yesterday from 8 p. m. to 9 p. m. national coach GM Dorian Rogozenco gave a lecture about the only German chess world champion Emanuel Lasker, who holds the record for the longest time as the world champion so far (and perhaps forever?).
Above all the German U18 teams were numerously present and listened to the explanations of the national coach. "The classics are really important, but it plays too little of a role in many training plans." Again and again you can discover new things, even if you watch the former world champion repeatedly. Rogozenco presented various Lasker game examples, on which he explained his opinion of the world champion and his playing style. "For me, Lasker has been a great tactician, to whom many new ideas can be attributed," Rogozenco was full of praise for Lasker. He is a big fan of chess history and the former world champions; this enthusiasm, combined with instructive analyses made the seminar a complete success.
Today at the same time Dr. Michael Negele will focus on the chess historical aspects of the German world champion.

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EYTCC2018 » A lot of excitement on the first day

A lot of excitement on the first day
13.07.2018 - 00:42 von KS

The 1st round of the European Youth Team Chess Championship (EYTCC) is history. But those who expected many safe victories of the alleged favourites at the start were deceived. Especially in the U18, where all teams except Turkey are more or less on the same level, there was a lot of fighting chess to see. And even the Turkish team gave a good account of themselves against Germany 3. So Alexander Rieß had to play an early draw with the black pieces on board 2. Since the opponent with white against Rieß` Grunfeld Defense did not try more than to achieve the division of points. Board 1 showed an exciting game in which Halit Kann Kesgin brought Luis Engel and his English opening into great distress with an early push f5-f4.
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EYTCC2018 » A "Welcome to Bad Blankenburg" started the opening ceremony

A "Welcome to Bad Blankenburg" started the opening ceremony
12.07.2018 - 17:05 von KS


The 150 players were first cordially invited by Dr. Marcus Fenner (DSB Director) to a fair tournament, and then by the State of Thuringia, represented by Gabi Ohler, who took the 150th birthday of Emanuel Lasker as an opportunity to point out the importance and advantages of chess. She would like to continue and deepen the chess sport and the associated support of the Free State of Thuringia in the future, since chess is more than just a sport. It produces bright minds, which Ohler, supported by an interesting advertising film for the educational state of Thuringia, invited to study and live in her federal state.

Mr. Johann Pöcksteiner from the ECU was very pleased that the tournament is being held here in Bad Blankenburg. In this context he thanked the junior coach for his commitment to bring the event to Germany. Afterwards the manager of the hotel, Mr. Müller, welcomed all players with warm words into his beautiful sports facility and assured the participants to do everything for the well-being of his guests. He also confirmed the connection of his house to chess and is looking forward to many other possible chess events.

Finally, the main arbiter, Klaus Deventer, pointed out changes to the regulations and again emphasised the ban on private pens and watches brought along in the game room. At his words, the players could now finally enter the game room. Everyone was happy to start the first round. The coaches are also eager to see if their preparations are good enough to stand up to the strong opponents. No team is here just for fun. The competition is tough and every team knows exactly that it's now about the title.

The games started 30 minutes ago. We can look forward to the results. Can Germany I defend its title? The national coach Bernd Vökler, who is also the main tournament director and brought the event to Germany, hopes for 2 titles. The pressure is high. Will they make it?
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