Samstag, 27. Juli 2024
  • Auspices - EYTCC

  • Ministerpräsident des Freistaats Thüringen Bodo Ramelow

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Artikel » EYTCC2018 2 Artikel
A "Welcome to Bad Blankenburg" started the opening ceremony
The 150 players were first cordially invited by Dr. Marcus Fenner (DSB Director) to a fair tournament, and then by the State of Thuringia, represented by Gabi Ohler, who took the 150th birthday of Emanuel Lasker as an opportunity to point out the ...
(1436 mal gelesen) mehr
A lot of excitement on the first day
The 1st round of the European Youth Team Chess Championship (EYTCC) is history. But those who expected many safe victories of the alleged favourites at the start were deceived. Especially in the U18, where all teams except Turkey are more or less on ...
(6156 mal gelesen) mehr
Seiten (1): (1) 2 Artikel
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